Dr. Holly and I got out of the taxi near the entrance to Bangkok's Chinatown on the first day of the Year of the Ox and joined crowds of people clad in red, the traditional color for the Chinese New Year. We walked down a street closed to traffic and joined hundreds of people gathered in the courtyard of Wat Trai Mit Witthayaram, site of the world's largest golden Buddha. In front of us was a giant temple structure that hadn't been there during our visit the year before. It's called the Phra Maha Mondop, and I realized that it was probably going to be dedicated on this auspicious day by Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn (because of newspaper reports that she would be present at the holiday festivities). The crowd, controlled by police and military who shouted menacingly at anyone pointing a camera, was hushed. In this country where royalty are semi-divine, they were waiting patiently for the Princess.
I had experienced this passive reverence before, when waiting for the King to drive past on his 80th birthday in 2007, and while waiting for Princess Sirindhorn to arrive for an academic conference at Mahidol University a couple of months ago. The movement of Thailand's royalty requires an army of security officers. When they travel on Bangkok's roads, all traffic is stopped by a highly coordinated police force who even close overhead pedestrian walkways (I saw police standing by last night to do just this on the walkway outside Tesco Lotus, but I never saw the familiar motorcade vehicles whizz past with flashing lights and motorcycle escort). In the Middle Ages in Europe the King's touch was considered to have miraculous healing powers. Here I think just seeing royalty is a form of making merit, and improves one's chances for a good rebirth.
Marcus, whom I reported yesterday as retiring from his blog, has once again had second thoughts. That's good news for those of us following his adventures in Asia under the guidance of the Dhamma. He's back, with an occasional post. Check him out (see right for link). Marcus joined other members of the Little Bang Sangha yesterday for a talk on contemporary Buddhism by David Warren Smith at Chulalongkorn University. Smith, in residence at Chula's Center for Ethics of Science and Technology, was a student of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche and a founding teacher at Naropa in the 1970's. His talk laid the groundwork for a series of lectures this year and featured eight provocative premises: 1. Contemporary Buddhism began 40 years ago in America when "the swans came to the lake." 2. The three traditions of Buddhism came together as a secular philosophy rather than a religion. 3. Buddhism has been "the dominant intellectual influence in the west for the past 20 years." 4. The notion of reform is changing into holistic and transformational renewal. 5. Buddhism has had a secret influence, "known only by those who know." 6. Buddhism is is always disruptive, and aims to overcome scientific materialism. 7. Buddhism has influenced fields from poetry and the arts to psychology, health care and business management. 8. As the global economy shifts to Asia, "there are new opportunities to revision Asian spirituality."
Dr. Smith spoke without notes and I was impressed, until he got carried away with point 6 above and wandered off on a couple of tangents. Point 7 seemed only a consequence of 3 which was too broad, I think, to be proved. Still, I liked his audacity. My question afterwards concerned which Buddhism he was discussing. Like "Christianity," there is no monolithic "Buddhism," but rather there are the three main traditions -- Theravada, Mahayana, Vajrayana -- and numerous, often widely-divergent, variations molded by local culture. While a follower of the Tibetan path, it was clear Smith was speaking of the generic American Buddhism I had learned. Thai Buddhism in practice is quite different; it is hierarchical and full of Hindu and animist traces. The reform tradition I appreciate here was taught by Buddhadasa Bhikku, but it is followed only by elites and academics. It is an intellectual Buddhism. The speaker's agenda, I suspect, was to propose that an integrated, generic Buddhism from American had something to offer Asian Buddhists. But he did not make that strong claim yesterday.
Among the small group of attendees at the seminar was John Butt, a retired Presbyterian minister who has lived in Thailand for many years, and is a founder of the Institute of Religion, Culture and Peace at Payap University, a Church of Christ institution in Chiang Mai. I look forward to getting to know him and his work which sounds intriguing. And I look forward to visits from friends in California next month. Fr. Cyprian Consiglio will be here for a weekend late in the month and his arrival coincides with a brief stopover by Jerry and Sylvia Deck who are touring Vietnam. Their daughter, Kristin Cote, is there now with her family and I've been giving her advice about the few days they will stay in Thailand. And, hopefully, my youngest son Nicki come visit in March.
It's painful to be a father from a distance. My daughter Molly is upset with me for complaining at Christmas that I only hear from her when she wants something from me. Rather than accept my plea for information about her life, she accused me of breaking her heart, and effectively cut me off. I learned from a friend that her new music group, the Sirens, recently performed in Santa Cruz, and that they had gone to Bali to record a CD. I doubt that they will drop by Bangkok for a visit. Luke is angry at me for revealing here that he is drinking again after six months of sobriety. He accuses me of being judgmental and taking a holier-than-thou attitude. What, I ask him, should I do? I can't watch him slowly commit suicide, even from a distance. He has gone to Florida to be with a friend and he sends me outraged messages by email from his iPhone. But at least there is communication. Chris, my eldest, and his wife Sandy are mourning the death of a treasured cat, and fearing for their other aging pets. The Pottery Barn, Chris's company, is suffering from the economic slowdown and there is uncertainty among the work force.
Rest in peace, John Updike.
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